Patariya Community Learning Center
World Environment Days Goat Rising laptop hastrantra PAF program IG support PAF program watching by world bank visit FSP class visited by Kamosida at patariya clc's program PAF program co's members activities interview by NTV channel CLC's review meating provided by nrc-nfe in Kathmandu. Thai visitor saw the internet service and internet report in 2014/7/13.
Welcome To
Patariya Community Learning Center

The Patariya CLC located in ward 7 of Patariya VDC at Annarath village, was established in June 2002. The building was constructed with the generous support of WTM supporter from Japan through NFUAJ in 1st year of the 1st phase of the project in 2002 on the land donated by Mr. Ram Bahadur Chaudhary. Land breaking of the building was done by Mr. Kiyoshi Tagawa in March 2003. The WTM supporters for the building were FLP Japan and SPC Japan. The CLC building was inaugurated by Ms. Tomiko & Mr. Terao Matsuda of FLP Japan and Ms. Izumizaki from SPC Japan in Feb 2004.
CLC Resource Center
CLC Resource Center

Patariya CLC has resource center to promote reading habit of neo literates to learn about the new technology by CLC MC. They will be upgraded providing training on use of computer and mobile phones. Similarly, more media based teaching learning activities will be promoted. Ultimately, how to turn information into communication of the benefit of people we would be exploring. This way the CLC will be empowered utilizing ICT.
Innovative Programs of CLC
Innovative Programs of CLC